When focusing on enhancing your bulking cycle, the goal is naturally to increase muscle mass. For those seeking additional support in this endeavor, it’s not uncommon to explore the use of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs).

In recent years, SARMs have gained significant popularity, becoming a preferred choice among bodybuilders for bulking cycles. Before delving into the optimal SARMs for bulking, let’s first gain a better understanding of what selective androgen receptor modulators truly entail.

Throughout this article, we will also delve into the following aspects:

1. Explanation of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) and their mechanisms.

2. Recommendations for the best SARMs stack for bulking purposes.

3. Emphasizing the importance of post-cycle therapy.

How do SARMS works?

SARMs operate by precisely targeting specific androgen receptors, demonstrating remarkable effectiveness in influencing particular muscle tissues without impacting other areas of the body.

Unlike anabolic steroids, which have a long history and are renowned for their ability to build lean muscle mass, SARMs have gained attention due to their potential for significant muscle development without the severe side effects associated with traditional steroids.

Despite being colloquially labeled as ‘research chemicals,’ SARMs were not initially formulated for bodybuilding purposes. Their original intent was to address various diseases leading to muscle wasting, addressing concerns such as enhancing bone density, promoting fat loss, and facilitating the development of lean muscle mass.

Considering the drawbacks associated with anabolic steroids, such as undesirable side effects, many individuals are turning to bulking SARMs as an alternative for achieving substantial muscle growth.

These can include testosterone suppression, requiring intense post cycle therapy, as well as things like water retention, gynecomastia, joint pain, estrogen production, severe/mild acne and other adverse effects. Of course, both steroids and SARMs can have side effects.

Benefits of SARMs for bulking

It’s not unexpected that SARMs have gained prominence over traditional anabolic steroids in bulking cycles. Similarly, the rapid transition of SARMs from their initial medicinal applications for treating muscle wasting diseases is not surprising.

However, the question arises: What additional advantages do SARMs offer, particularly in the context of a SARMs bulking cycle?

muscles man using sarms for bulking

Building lean muscle mass

By mimicking the effects of anabolic steroids, SARMs activate androgen receptors, ensuring that the androgenic activity is specifically targeted to muscle tissue. This targeted approach makes SARMs highly effective in the promotion of lean muscle mass.

Additional advantages of utilizing SARMs for bulking include:

  1. Fewer side effects compared to traditional steroids.
  2. Non-liver toxic, distinguishing them from other ‘steroids.’
  3. Enhanced fat loss.
  4. Increased bone density.
  5. Boosted energy levels.
  6. Improved quality of sleep.
  7. Enhanced body composition.
  8. Anti-aging benefits.

Your bulking cycle is pivotal in your quest to gain muscle mass. As you aspire to achieve a substantial increase in muscle, it is crucial to ensure that you are employing the most effective SARMs cycle.

For those focused on gaining lean muscle mass, the following are the top SARMs for bulking.

#1 Testolone (RAD 140)

Testolone (RAD 140) stands out as one of the most potent SARMs available, categorized among various research chemicals designed to specifically target androgen receptors. Particularly beneficial for those embarking on an intensive bulking cycle, Testolone (RAD 140) is recognized for its remarkable attributes.

This SARM not only facilitates rapid muscle gains but has demonstrated potential in enhancing stamina and endurance based on certain research findings. Undoubtedly, these advantages position Testolone (RAD 140) as a highly powerful SARM, contributing to muscle recovery and promoting faster recuperation after strenuous workouts.


Key benefits include:
  1. Swift, temporary increases in lean mass.
  2. Improved recovery.
  3. Elevated endurance.
  4. Enhanced overall athletic performance.

For those incorporating RAD 140 into their bulking regimen, it’s crucial to note that its effects typically manifest after approximately a week. Subsequently, noticeable changes become evident, albeit not necessarily every day.

While the numerous benefits may make RAD 140 a compelling choice among the best SARMs for bulking, it’s important to acknowledge that this potent SARM necessitates a post-cycle therapy.

#2 Ligandrol (LGD4033)

Following closely behind RAD 140 is Ligandrol, often referred to as LGD4033. As another widely recognized selective androgen receptor modulator, LGD4033 is a popular choice among athletes seeking substantial muscle gains.

One notable advantage of LGD4033 is its ability to promote lean muscle gains without causing water retention, eliminating the issue of undesirable bloating.

Another reason why users may favor LGD4033 over other SARMs is its favorable safety profile, as indicated by clinical data. This suggests a lower likelihood of experiencing a multitude of side effects during the bulking phase.

Optimal dosage typically falls within the range of 5 to 10mg for a duration of 6 to 8 weeks. Similar to RAD 140, the effects of LGD4033 become noticeable after approximately a week. Incorporating both of these popular SARMs into your routine can make muscle-building workouts more manageable than ever.

#3 Ostarine

Ostarine, also known as MK-2866, secures a prominent position as one of the most widely used SARMs suitable for both bulking and cutting cycles. Its versatility lies in its potent capabilities for burning fat and promoting muscle gains.

Embraced by bodybuilders across all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals, Ostarine consistently delivers significant gains. Users typically report an addition of around 3 pounds of muscle on average, without adjusting caloric intake or altering their workout routines.

For those aiming to build muscle while enhancing body composition, Ostarine emerges as a strong contender among the best SARMs for bulking. It seamlessly integrates into your existing workout regimen and is best taken immediately after exercise.

Often considered a foundational SARM for the best bulking stack, Ostarine is associated with increased energy levels and strength.

However, it’s important to be mindful of potential side effects, including:

  1. Mild hair loss.
  2. Mild acne.
  3. Possibility of testosterone suppression if used for periods exceeding 8 weeks.

#4 Ibutamoren (MK-677)

Known as MK-677, Ibutamoren functions as a growth hormone secretagogue, elevating human growth hormone levels and IGF-1. This makes it a sought-after SARM for athletes aiming for muscle growth, increased strength, and enhanced performance.

Users often observe that prolonged use of Ibutamoren yields better results. Typically, athletes take doses ranging from 20 to 30mg per day for periods spanning 12 to 16 weeks. Aside from promoting lean muscle growth, MK-677 also contributes to improved recovery rates, enhanced sleep quality, and increased bone density. It is frequently included in SARM stacks focusing on size, often alongside compounds like LGD4033 or RAD 140.

#5 Cardarine (GW-1516)

Cardarine, also known as GW-1516, is a research chemical distinct from traditional SARMs, functioning as a Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR). Though not technically a SARM, Cardarine shares similar properties with some of the best SARMs, acting by binding to specific receptors and influencing gene activation processes in the body.

Its effects include heightened endurance, increased energy levels, and reduced cholesterol. In a SARMs bulking combination, Cardarine accelerates muscle mass building due to its ability to enhance stamina. On its own, it contributes to muscle gain, cardiovascular health, metabolism boost, and inflammation reduction.

#6 YK-11

While YK-11 isn’t precisely a SARM, it is recognized as a potent research chemical. Operating as a fully synthetic steroid based on DHT (5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone), YK-11 targets androgen receptors throughout the body, facilitating rapid lean muscle tissue growth and increased mass without the typical side effects associated with anabolic steroids.

YK-11 is known for its anabolic effects, inhibiting myostatin and promoting follistatin. When integrated into a SARMs stack, it can result in fat loss, intense muscle growth, and enhanced stamina. However, users should be aware of potential minor and temporary side effects, including joint pain, energy drain, mild testosterone suppression, hair loss, mild acne, and increased aggression. Additionally, it’s important to note that YK-11 has a relatively short half-life of 7 to 10 hours.

What’s the best SARMS bulking cycle stack?

Looking for the optimal SARMs stack for bulking? You’re in the right place.

Typically, the most effective SARMs stack for bulking comprises:

  1. RAD 140
  2. MK-677
  3. YK11

This SARMs bulking stack packs a powerful punch, facilitating significant lean muscle building, enhancing muscle recovery, boosting stamina, and increasing endurance.

Furthermore, as one of the premier SARMs stacks, it allows for the reduction of body fat, resulting in a shredded appearance.

These anabolic outcomes are usually associated with anabolic steroids, but the advantage of a SARMs stack for bulking lies in the fewer side effects compared to traditional steroids.

When Ibutamoren binds to receptors, the released growth hormone contributes to improving body composition, promoting muscle growth and healing, fostering bone growth, and modulating blood sugar levels.

By combining it with RAD 140 and YK11, you can optimize lean mass, reduce body fat, and enhance your workouts for ultimate muscle growth.

The importance of post cycle therapy

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plays a crucial role in restoring your hormone system and rebalancing testosterone levels after an intense bulking cycle. Despite the desire to optimize protein synthesis for substantial muscle growth, the potential for an extreme bulking cycle to disrupt your hormonal balance is a valid concern.

To safeguard your gains and support recovery after your cycle, incorporating PCT is essential. Even the most effective SARMs can come with side effects, underscoring the importance of a well-planned post-cycle approach.